The Test Site!
Here are some experimental versions of "work in progress". The real thing will be along soon....
An eclipse calculator
for recent solar eclipses, and the June 21, 2001 eclipse in Africa. (Requires Java 1.1!)
New! Now includes data for the two July, 2000 partial eclipses.
The String Quartet page
List of Purcell's Works
An experimental java3D eclipse simulator. (Here are some screen shots
of the viewer.)
The millennium clock (Requires Java!)
A few poems by Grace Solomonoff
A few poems by Jess Morton
A javascript sliding-tiles puzzle
Elastic Collisions! (Requires Java 1.1!)
New! Add elastic collisions on your own page!
The intention is to make these available to any browser, wherever possible. Please let me know if you are
experiencing any problems with these pages.
July 1, 2000