If you would like to put a box of bouncers on your own web page, you can have one provided your web host allows you to send Java applets to your users. You can configure the display in a number of ways, as you can see on my examples of a banner greeting, brownian motion and an executive toy
.These are the steps you need to do:
yoursite | Classes (contains bounce.zip) | com | lmconsult | elastic102 (this contains the individual .class files)
If you are not familiar with using Java applets, there is a very good tutorial at Sun's Java site. Your applet should look something like the following:
<applet code="com.lmconsult.elastic102.BounceClient.class" archive="bounce.zip" codebase="Classes/" width="200" height="100"> <param name="field" value="ffffff,200,100"> <param name="obj0" value="ff0000,10"> <param name="impulse0" value="100"> <param name="obj1" value="00ff00,20"> <param name="obj2" value="0000ff,30"> </applet> |
The definitions of the attributes in the applet tag are: <applet code="com.lmconsult.elastic102.BounceClient.class" archive="bounce.zip" codebase="Classes/" width="200" height="100"> |
archive | the name of the code archive directory | |
codebase | the base directory in which the browser expects to find the
code for the applet | |
width | width (in pixels) of the applet area | |
height | height of the applet area | |
The definitions of each of the parameter tags follows: The order in which the lines are given does not matter. <param name="field" value="COLOR,WIDTH,HEIGHT">
COLOR | The hexidecimal color code of the background | |
WIDTH | Width (in pixels) of the field (should match the value in the applet tag) | |
HEIGHT | Height of the field | |
<param name="objN" value="COLOR,RADIUS,X,Y,MASS">
COLOR | The hexidecimal color code of the object | |
RADIUS | Object radius (in pixels) | |
X | Initial horizontal position on the field | |
Y | Initial vertical position of the field | |
MASS | Notional mass of the object, used in calculating momtentum tranfers between
objects when they collide | |
<param name="textN" value="LABEL">
LABEL | A text string which will be displayed on the object | |
SIZE | Size of the font used for the label (in points) | |
FACE | Font name (may be Serif, Sans or Monospaced) | |
STYLE | Font Style (may be Reg, Ital, Bld or BldItal) | |
COLOR-TEXT | The hexidecimal color code of the text | |
COLOR-BOX | The hexidecimal color code of a box surrounding the text | |
COLOR-EDGE | The hexidecimal color code of object and box edges | |
<param name="impulseN" value="X-IMPULSE,Y-IMPULSE,RANDOM">
X-IMPULSE | Pixels/second impulse to be given in the horizontal direction | |
Y-IMPULSE | Pixels/second impulse to be given in the vertical direction (downwards) | |
RANDOM | If this the letter "r", the above values will be a maximum value, applied randomly in either direction. |
Please send me any comments or suggestions: mailto: webrelay@lmcd.demon.co.uk
This page is part of Lewis Morton's Web presence. Thanks for stopping by. This page © 1998, 1999, 2000 Lewis Morton |
Version 1.1: April 20, 2000